Monday, 16 September 2013

Hi, my name is Mirka. I am pleased of opportunity of meeting new people from different countries. I always wanted to try something like this project. I like listening to music, mostly rock and metal, reading fantasy books with some romance. At last but not least I'm very interested in japanese culture and art. I'm looking forward to work with you.


  1. Hi! I'm in the comenius project too. I love the japanese culture like you, specifically the manga. Do you like drawing?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes, I like drawing characters from anime and manga. What genres of manga do you like?

    3. I haven't got any favourite genre in particular. My favourite manga is Pandora Hearts, I love the story and the art.

      You have a Deviantart?

    4. Yes, I have, but there is just a few pictures.
      I like anime more than manga, so I've read just a few, for example I read Blach manga, Ao no Exorcist, Fairy tail, just beacuse anime ended without end :D

    5. I have seen you drawings, you are really good!! by the way, this summer I watched the all seasons of Jigoku Shoujo, my favourite stories are in the second season.

      I watched Ao no Exorcist when the Tv serie was in air. I never read the manga but I want read it.

      PD- I'm Kaishi50 in deviantart.

    6. No, you are better! Because I can't draw picture that I have in mind, mostly just from pictures I see in front of me. I liked Jigoku Shoujo series, I dini't finish second one nor the third though, but I'd like someday. I liked Ao no Exorcist, but the plot was out when it started not to follow the manga story. Recently I absolutely adore Bakemonogatari Series, have you heard of them?
      I wanted to find your Facebook, but I'm not sure I've found the right one, so please check it up :) I have my real name there, as in here.
      PS I'm lucky I can speak a little bit Spanish, just to read the descriptions below your pictures in dA :D

    7. The last year I started Bakemonogatari, but I started with the exams too and I temporarily stopped. I saw until the chapter seven TT^TT I have a long list about animes which I have to finish. First I want finish Gintama and continue the second season of Darker than Black but I haven't got time at the moment.

      About Facebook, me and some people in my school are blocked by Facebook because ''The maga/mag ******'' isn't a ''legal'' name. Facebook thinks we make publicity. I have made a new account: Glòria Gas (comenius).

      PD-I think that I should start to put the DA descriptions in english too XD

    8. I hope that you'll find some time to finish them ^^ I have also lot of animes I want to watch, Darker than Black second season is between them.
      Okay I've got you! So many people ask me for friendship on Magic Facebook and so many of them aren't even involved in Comenius...I have to sort them out.
      The recent most popular anime is Shingeki no Kyojin(Attack on Titan) have you heard of it? I think it's awesome! It's very emotional and full of action and pressure. But it's not for everyone.
      I put my pictures on Facebook, too, so you can see all of them :)

    9. I read the manga! I started the anime and I couldn't wait for next chapter *^*
      Shingeki no Kyojin is another the anime in my list, but at the moment, I've been following the manga. The story is so suffocating! I really like it, but in some moments is too cruel. Each chapter is exciting, and I'm traumatized with some characters' death. Even this characters aren't so important... I still remember a one couple. You only saw they for one minute, with a smile. And then... You saw the girl while trying to save her boyfriend, but this was dead TT^TT

      I like all characters, but my fauvorites are Misaka, Sasha and Levi.

  2. Hi Mirka!!!

    I'm from Catalonia and I'm in the Comenius project, too. I am at the four group with Rita and Glòria.

    So I ask to you... Which place (Netherlands, Slovenia, Greece) are you going to visit?

    Meritxell ;)
